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Security Systems & Services

Security Systems & Services

In the modern world security has become an issue for all organisations, to ensure the protection of personnel, data and facilities. we can help your organisation meet its security requirements either in helping develop new facilities or by improving existing facilities.

About our service

Our experienced engineers can design and specify a full range of security solutions. In order to meet your needs we can provide the following services:

  • Threat and risk assessments
  • Electronic security systems (CCTV, intruder detection (IDS), access control, intercom)
  • Physical security (including doors, windows, walling, etc)
  • Physical penetration testing and assessment of security protocols
  • Perimeter security
  • Site layout advice for new facilities
  • Hostile vehicle mitigation
  • Security audits and surveys for existing facilities
  • Masterplanning security advice
  • Contingency planning

A number of our engineers are members of the Register of Security Engineers and Specialists (RSES) which is sponsored by National Protective Security Authority (formerly CPNI) and administered by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).

Security Systems & Services
Security Systems & Services Education City Stadium Qatar
Security Systems & Services World Cup 2022 Venue
Security Systems & Services Canary Wharf London
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