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Ballistic Testing Services

Ballistic Testing Services

We are one of the leading accredited ballistic test houses in the UK.

We undertake UKAS accredited trials on bullet resistant materials and building components (BS EN 1063, BS EN 1522 & BS EN 1523), testing of body armour systems and fragment simulating projectiles (FSP) within our indoor test range. We also externally undertake ballistic testing of vehicles and structures.

Please contact us for more information:

About our service

Our accreditation is limited to those activities described on our UKAS schedule of accreditation found here –

We can provide tailored ballistic testing to suit your needs for research and development on your products to aid you in achieving your desired level of bullet resistance for your designs.

Our small arms ammunition is fired from proof guns, allowing us to fire up to 0.338’ Lapua within our indoor test range, and up to 14.5mm x 114 on an external range.  In order for us to maintain ammunition quality standards we reload ammunition on our test site, and are also able to temperature condition samples prior to test (temperature range -32°C to +49°).

High Speed Video footage and a full and comprehensive report of your testing can be supplied. All clients are welcome and encouraged to witness their tests.

Ballistic Testing
Ballistic Testing
Ballistic Testing
Ballistic Testing
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