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Design led security solutions

unobtrusive security measures

By implementing unobtrusive security measures, we allow organisations to maintain a safe and secure environment while minimizing the impact on individuals’ daily routines and activities, prioritising protection of people, places and business without compromising user experience or comfort.

  • Threat and risk assessments
  • Electronic security systems (CCTV, intruder detection (IDS), access control, intercom)
  • Physical security (including doors, windows, walling, etc)
  • Physical penetration testing and assessment of security protocols
  • Perimeter security
  • Site layout advice for new facilities
  • Hostile vehicle mitigation
  • Security audits and surveys for existing facilities
  • Masterplanning security advice
  • Contingency planning
Security solutions threat hostile design
About our service

We conduct security assessments, develop security policies and procedures, provide training on security best practices, and offer ongoing support to address any security concerns.

  • Providing expert advice that counters terrorism by guiding organisations, governments, and agencies on strategies and measures to prevent, respond to, and mitigate terrorist threats and attacks. This may include risk assessments, security audits, training programs, crisis management planning, and intelligence analysis.
  • The Electronic security systems (ESS) we design encompass a range of technologies and devices designed to protect assets, individuals, and properties from unauthorized access, intrusion, theft, or damage and supplementing the more traditional measures above. These systems can include video surveillance and ensuring ‘The right person in in the right place at the right time’ using a variety of identification techniques and systems. We specialise in the design of integrated ESS and command and control software that provides real-time alerts enhancing management capabilities. Our sympathetically designed Electronic security systems play a vital role in enhancing overall security and safety in various environments, including businesses, and public facilities.
  • Our ballistic capabilities ensure material or structure resilience that can withstand and absorb impacts such as bullets or projectiles. This resilience is achieved through the introduction of specialised materials and engineering techniques early into the design process. These materials and techniques held dissipate and distribute the impact energy, reducing the resultant penetration and damage, such protection systems help ensure the safety and security of individuals and assets in a dangerous world.
  • We assist with the implementation of discreet technologies designed to protect against potential threats posed by vehicles used as weapons known as Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM).These measures can include physical barriers, bollards, fences, and other security systems designed to prevent suspect vehicles getting close to certain areas and causing harm. HVM is crucial for enhancing security and safety in public spaces, events, and critical infrastructure.
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